Srishti’s Talent show 2019-20

 In News, Srishti International School

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Calling all stars of srishti…. For the talent show on February 15th 2020 Celebrating the diverse range of talents at our school by putting center stage! A variety of acts are encouraged-singing , playing a musical instrument, dancing, performing in a skit, doing magic tricks, performing stand-up comedy, juggling or any other unique talent!
Participating in a talent show gives all students recognition for non‐academic talents. It also provides character‐building lessons during try‐outs, practice and performance. It’s a wonderful team building experience for all ages. Talent shows are a fun opportunity for parents to partner with performing arts teachers, administrators, and other parents. Talent shows can be seen as a way to help boost the self-esteem, confidence, and assurance of

The 2019-20 Talent Show will be held on Saturday, February 15th at 10:00 am.

Interested children can register on or before 11-2-2020

There is nothing more fun or memorable to students than to see their friends celebrated front‐and‐center!

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